Milk market analysis
The Russian dairy industry market is one of the largest and most significant sectors of the country’s agro-industrial complex. Today, Russia ranks 4th in the world ranking of dairy producers.
According to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, raw milk production in the Russian Federation in 2023 amounted to 33.5 million tons, which is 0.5 million tons more than a year earlier. Self-sufficiency in dairy products was 85%, and taking into account imports from Belarus, it is approaching 100%.
According to experts, over the past five years, milk productivity of cows in Russia has increased by 38% — on average to 7.8 tons in 2023. The highest milk yields were obtained by farms with cattle populations exceeding 6.8 thousand heads.
Currently, 63% of milk in the country is produced by 7% of agricultural enterprises. This is explained by a stable long-term trend of previously small farms joining agricultural holdings with subsequent modernization of the material and technical base.
Today, there are dairy farms with large, medium and small production volumes on the market. In a number of regions, traditional small-scale private household plots and family farms with a one-time milk yield of up to several hundred liters will remain.
The UVMILK company has developed effective solutions for farms in accordance with the production process and the volume of commercial milk obtained. Competent selection of filters allows you to get the highest grade of raw milk for sale for processing.
UVMILK range of filters for dairy farms
removal of large dirt
removal of large dirt
Rough cleaning
removal of fine dirt
Rough cleaning
removal of fine dirt
Fine cleaning
reduction of bacterial contamination
Fine cleaning
reduction of bacterial contamination
Ultra-fine cleaning
reduction of somatics
Ultra-fine cleaning
reduction of somatics
Using UVMILK filters on dairy farms
Innovation and quality
The UVMILK company is the first domestic company to invent polypropylene filters for milk purification in the dairy industry. For 20 years, the company has been producing filters, having accumulated unique experience during its work, implemented in technological equipment, which is confirmed by 16 patents for inventions and utility models.
The company’s innovative activities affect research and development work, equipment modification and personnel training at the enterprise. When creating new technologies, we closely study customer requests and the specifics of their production. In our work, we rely on scientific research, advanced engineering developments and management experience.
UVMILK products regularly participate and win prizes in industry competitions and exhibitions, which has earned high praise from the professional community. The high quality of filtering equipment manufactured by UVMILK complies with international quality standards and is supplied to 75 countries worldwide.
Milk test results
To assess the quality of milk and determine its grade, a whole range of laboratory tests are carried out to ensure that the indicators comply with current state standards. Each batch of milk is checked for organoleptic, physicochemical, microbiological and safety indicators.
The majority of deviations in quality indicators can be caused by the health of animals, violation of milk storage conditions, sanitary standards and milking technologies. UVMILK filters, eliminating mechanical impurities, help reduce the level of bacterial contamination and the number of somatic cells in milk.
We have been working with partner farms for a long time, where we study the efficiency and throughput of our filters on various equipment in practical conditions. Milk obtained at the farms is sent to the regional veterinary laboratory for analysis of all milk quality indicators after filtration.
Personal subsidiary farms
- commercial milk
- premium milk
- extra grade milk
Problems of milk production in private farms
- A large share of manual labor does not allow to increase productivity and profitability of economic activity
- Due to the predominantly manual method of milking, milk comes into contact with air, bacteria and sours faster
- When delivering and checking the quality, milk is considered as substandard, despite the high fat content
- Outdated material and technical base does not allow to increase the quality and price of produced milk
- Watering animals with dirty water from open reservoirs can lead to the occurrence of serious diseases and even death
- Low quality of milk does not allow to establish cooperation with dairy plants and complicates the process of selling
Advantages of UVMILK filters for private households
- Reduction in the cost of one filtration due to the low price of the filter and the possibility of its repeated use
- Versatility and ease of filtration due to a filter with high productivity and dirt capacity
- Effective purification from large impurities due to the perforated structure of the bottom of the filling filter
- Reduction in the level of bacterial contamination of milk due to fine purification by a filter made of primary food-grade polypropylene
- Purification from somatic cells, the smallest dirt particles and sediment due to the patented SomaticStop technology
- Possibility of filtration without a milk pump, the filter is capable of purifying milk at a residual vacuum pressure of 0.5 Bar or by gravity
Benefits for private farms
- Increase in farm profits due to the production and sale of commercial milk of at least first grade after cleaning it with the UVMILK filter
- Increase in the shelf life of milk due to a decrease in the level of bacterial contamination and acidity of milk
- Preservation of milk fat content due to the filter microvilli that do not retain the elastic fat globule
- Increase in the number of customers and strengthening of reputation due to the production of milk with stable organoleptic properties
- Possibility of milk supply to schools and hospitals due to cleaning with a filter made of food-grade polypropylene without dyes and impurities
- Optimization of the milking process and reduction of milk contact with air due to the use of a filter installed on the milking machine
Economic justification
The private farm milks about 600 liters of milk per day. All milk is filtered with 6 layers of gauze before cooling, which only retains large impurities and animal hair. Dairy plants are not interested in accepting small batches of milk. There is a preliminary agreement with a private cheese factory, but the milk does not meet the QMAFAnM and somatic cell count indicators. Now milk is handed over to the collector at €0.22 per liter. Revenue per day is 600 liters X €0.22 = €132, per month — €3960.
Installing the UVMILK Simple ultra-fine filter on the milking machine allows you to clean fresh milk in the bactericidal phase, thereby ensuring low QMAFAnM and somatic cell count indicators. Filtration costs per month are about €50. When selling milk to a private cheese factory at €0.28 per liter, the monthly revenue of the private farm is: 600 liters x €0.28×30 days = €5,040. Additional profit of the private farm: €5,040 — €3,960 = €1,080. Payback period for filters: 2 days.
Client case
A private farm produces 400 liters of milk daily, which is sold on the market. Due to the large number of bacteria, the milk has an unpleasant odor and quickly spoils.
To clean milk from bacteria and impurities, ensure stable organoleptic properties — smell, color, taste and increase shelf life.
Installation directly on the milking machine of the UVMILK Micro milk filter, designed to clean milk from large and small dirt.
Thanks to filtration, it was possible to eliminate dirt, reduce the number of bacteria, extend shelf life, improve the smell and color of milk. The demand for milk from private farms increased.
Feedback on the use of UVMILK milk filters
«We have cows and goats on our private farm. We process our products ourselves. We produce fermented milk products, cottage cheese, cheese and butter. We trade several days a week at the market, and also through social networks. We plan to increase the volume of milk and dairy products, so we visit exhibitions and see what’s new, what we can use on our farm. At one of the exhibitions, we met the guys from the company UVMILK.
Before the cooler, the milk passed through a stocking filter. At first, UVMILK filters were used after stocking filters, but now we don’t use stocking filters at all. Both we and our customers have noticed that the products have improved. For example, the excess sourness has gone from the cottage cheese, and the cheese has a more pleasant aroma. The filters are very convenient to install and replace. When changing, we see all the dirt that was previously in the milk.»
Farm in Amur region
Cattle farms
- commercial milk
- premium milk
- extra grade milk
Problems of milk production on cattle farms
- Unstable milk grade due to QMAFAnM indicators breakthrough and increase in the number of somatic cells
- Failure to comply with the rules of animal hygiene and hygiene leads to manure getting into milk
- Low price for commercial milk from milk processing plants due to insufficient quality indicators
- The need for repeated milk cleaning due to ruptures of traditional low-quality stocking filters
- Accidental dirt getting into the milk pipeline and cooling tank during milking and equipment washing can lead to a decrease in milk quality
- Detection of inhibitors and foreign chemical impurities entails rejection and return of raw milk
Advantages of UVMILK filters on cattle farms
- Eco-friendly and safe production from primary polypropylene without the use of dyes and questionable additives
- Patented filter winding technology to improve the quality of milk by reducing bacterial contamination and somatics
- Multilayer structure of filters, allowing to eliminate the smallest impurities and sediment of 3 microns in size
- Strength and precise observance of the dimensions of filter elements, ensuring the absence of ruptures and dirt leakage
- The highest possible mechanical cleaning to date, preserving dry substances, density and fat content
- Quick-release connections on the covers and nozzles of the housings, allowing to replace filter elements in a few minutes
Benefits for Cattle Farms
- Improved milk quality due to cleaning with filters manufactured using patented variable winding technology
- Reduction of bacterial contamination and acidity due to cleaning milk from all mechanical impurities from 5 microns
- Maximum reduction of somatic cells due to unique SomaticStop technology and filtration fineness of 3 microns
- Additional profit due to increased purchase price from the dairy plant due to improved quality indicators
- Staff work indicator due to the snow-white color of primary polypropylene, on which all impurities and mastitis products are visible
- Safety of filters in contact with milk due to the use of materials without dyes, inhibitors and heavy metals
Economic justification
The dairy farm produces about 18,000 liters of milk per day. During milking, it is not always possible to track the fall of the milking cup with the teat rubber and dirt gets into the milk. The lack of proper cleaning leads to high bacterial contamination, reduced shelf life and unstable milk grade. When delivering the entire volume of milk as first grade at 0.3 instead of 0.33 €, the lost profit will be: 18,000 liters X 0.03 € = 540 € per day. If the grade is missed once a week, the monthly loss is 540 X 4 = 2160 €.
Using UVMILK Max milk filters during milking will ensure the purification of the entire volume of milk from mechanical impurities and reduce the level of bacterial contamination. As a result, the milk grade increases, as does its purchase price. By investing about €80 per month in filtration, you can ensure additional hygiene control during milking and receive an additional profit of €540 per day. Payback period for filters: 1 day.
Client case
The farm uses colored polypropylene filters with a filtration fineness of 15 microns, but the QMAFAnM indicators correspond only to the first grade.
To reduce the bacterial contamination indicators of milk, and for this purpose ensure the purification of milk from random mechanical impurities in the form of straw and manure.
Installation of a UVMILK Standard milk filter made of primary food-grade polypropylene with a filtration fineness of 5 microns before the cooling tank.
Thanks to the installation of the UVMILK Standard filter with a filtration fineness of 5 microns, the QMAFAnM indicators were reduced. The color and smell of milk improved.
Feedback on the use of UVMILK milk filters
«I have been working in animal husbandry for over 20 years, and we used UVMILK filters on another farm. Here, we initially ordered from another supplier, the filters themselves were lilac-colored, crumbled in our hands even before installation, and there were constant difficulties with delivery, although we ordered and paid for them in advance. We received an offer from UVMILK managers, and agreed on it with the management. The delivery was made within a few days, no delays, fast and accurate.
We change the five-ton filters after each milking, and we monitor this very strictly. No one is immune from the human factor. When replacing the filter, hair and bedding particles are visible, which means that none of this gets into the cooling tank. We deliver milk to several dairy plants, and it is also used for baby food. We are confident in the quality, there are no complaints. We receive calls from other suppliers, but we don’t want to jump from one to another because of a price difference of pennies.»
Farm in the Leningrad Region
- commercial milk
- premium milk
- extra grade milk
Problems of milk production in agricultural holdings
- Constant tightening of dairy plant requirements for bacterial contamination and somatic cell counts in milk
- During non-stop milking of different batches of cows, accidental entry of mastitis products spoils the entire volume of milk in the tank
- Reputational and financial losses and reduction in purchase prices with deterioration in milk quality indicators
- Frequent milking stops due to contamination of stocking filters designed to pass 300-500 liters of milk
- Frequent filter changes with large production volumes lead to forced stops and loss of milk
- When washing the milk pipeline, sand along with water gets into the equipment units and is found when pumping out milk
Advantages of using filters
- Cooperation with a manufacturing plant focused on the implementation of innovative developments in filtration
- Safe interaction with milk of filters made of primary polypropylene without the use of dyes and questionable additives
- The highest possible mechanical cleaning to date, preserving dry substances, density and fat content
- Patented filter winding technology to improve the grade of milk by reducing bacterial contamination and somatics
- Increased dirt capacity of filters due to the multilayer structure of filters with a variable micron rating inside the filter
- Strength, elasticity and precise compliance with the dimensions of filters, ensuring the absence of ruptures and dirt leakage
Benefits of using UVMILK filters in agricultural holdings
- Stable premium and extra grade milk due to the use of original filters from the patent-holder plant
- High profitability of dairy production due to the maximum purchase price for the entire volume of commercial milk
- Guaranteed reduction of bacterial contamination and somatic cells due to the unique SomaticStop technology
- Non-stop milking while maintaining filtration efficiency due to the high dirt capacity of the filters
- Maintaining the image of an advanced enterprise that strictly controls the compliance of milk quality with the requirements of dairy plants
- Maintaining the original indicators of fat content, density, protein and dry matter of milk after filtration
Economic justification
Daily, the dairy farms of the agroholding produce a total of 120 tons of milk. Milking is carried out using a carousel-type platform, in which there are only stocking filters, when they break, all the previously accumulated dirt gets into the milk pipeline and cooling tanks. When delivered, the milk meets the indicators of the first grade. When delivering 40 tons of milk at 0.3 instead of 0.33 €, the lost profit will be: 40,000 liters X 0.03 € = 1200 € per day.
Using UVMILK Big milk filters in front of the cooling tank allows you to clean milk from the smallest particles of bedding, feed, manure, which are a source of butyric acid bacteria. Filtration of milk in front of the cooling tank in the bactericidal phase ensures stable indicators of the QMAFAnM, purity group, without reducing fat content and density. By investing about €400 per month in filtering, you will receive a planned profit of €1,200 per day. Payback period for filters: 1 day.
Client case
The manufacturer has installed and uses two housings for stocking filters in the carousel milking parlor, but sediment is found in the cooler.
To ensure that milk is cleaned of the smallest mechanical impurities of bedding, feed and mastitis products before entering the cooling tank.
Installation of a UVMILK ULTRA Active milk filter made of primary food-grade polypropylene with a filtration fineness of 3 microns before the cooling tank.
Thanks to the installation of the filter, milk is cleaned of somatic cells and the smallest impurities that could previously enter the tank from milk and water.
Feedback of the use of UVMILK milk filters
«Last year, our farm became part of an agroholding. The new management set the task of improving the quality of commercial milk. To do this, the equipment was modernized and serious work was done to improve the milking culture, and workers on the farm were selectively replaced. We had long been striving for the highest grade of milk, but the somatics were failing. The somatic cell count reached 600 thousand units in 1 cm3.
Filters from the UVMILK company were installed at different production sites: an Active ultra-fine filter on each milk line and another one after the cooling tank for backup. As a result, we reached the highest grade, received stable indicators and, the most important, increased the profitability of milk production. Our farm was noted by the district administration for the growth of the achieved indicators.»
Farm in the Tver Region