Livestock Market Analysis

The Russian meat market in 2023 was characterized by a resumption of growth in meat production. In 2000-2021, there was a steady increase in meat production in the Russian Federation. At the same time, a significant share of grown meat is poultry and pork.
Beef production is growing due to the development of dairy farming. A slight negative trend is observed only in the small cattle segment, although lamb is a promising product for the domestic and foreign markets.
Poultry meat — chicken and turkey — remains the most affordable type of meat, accordingly, its consumption is increasing. In parallel with this, active work is underway in poultry farming to replace imports of breeding material.
Russia has a surplus of about 100 thousand tons of meat, so imports have almost no effect on the domestic market. A slight decline in shipments was noted only for beef, poultry, pork and lamb are actively supplied abroad.
Along with meat products, agricultural producers supply the domestic market with offal, melange, animal fats, wool, down and leather. The use of filtration technologies improves the quality of livestock products.
In the future, experts predict an expansion of the geography of meat and offal exports from Russia, primarily to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, despite the geopolitical situation and changes in the price environment in importing countries.
Range of UVMILK filters for livestock farming

for watering animals

for scalding carcasses

filter housing

for blood filtration

for melange

filter housing

for ventilation of cutting shops

for ventilation of places of keeping

filter housing

after tank

for fuel dispensers

filter housing

Use of filters on livestock farms

Meat farms
Problems of meat and poultry farms
- Diseases, high culling and death of livestock and poultry due to water with nitrates, salts and organics
- Economic damage to farms due to the breakage and disposal of at least 10% of eggs in poultry houses during collection and packaging
- Impurities in the blood during bleeding of animals for the production of food, medical, feed and technical products
- Malfunctions of drinkers and heating devices due to clogging of units with lime, organic and other types of inclusions
- Dirty dusty air in places where animals are kept and in primary processing shops of agricultural products
- Mechanical debris, dust, organic matter, condensate entering fuel in storage tanks, and then in gas tanks
Advantages of UVMILK filters for meat and poultry farms
- A wide range of filters by resource and micronity, allowing you to choose a solution for cleaning water, blood, mélange, fat
- Robust design of steel filter elements for removing mechanical and organic contaminants
- Quick-release connections on covers and housing pipes, allowing you to replace filter elements in a few minutes
- Long service life and the ability to backwash stainless steel filter equipment
- Mirror polishing of the inner surface of the filters allows for a quick full flush of the system
- Comprehensive supply thanks to our own production of food, air and technical filters
Benefits for meat and poultry farms
- Increased productivity of animals and birds thanks to the use of UVAQUA filters , which purify drinking water from nitrates, salts and organic matter
- Additional profit from the sale of purified melange, blood, animal fat and offal
- Protection of drinking equipment and heating devices thanks to multi-layer filtration that prevents limescale deposits
- High-quality purification of blood, mélange, fat with UVMILK filters , eliminating clots, wool, shells and secondary inclusions
- Favorable microclimate on farms thanks to a filter that captures up to 99% of mechanical impurities and bacteria contained in the air
- Fuel purity throughout the entire storage period thanks to UVPETROL filters that reduce the amount of mechanical impurities and organic matter
Economic justification
The poultry farm produces about 400 thousand eggs per day. Losses during egg production due to breakage in poultry houses, during collection and packaging amount to about 10% or up to 40,000 eggs per day. Broken eggs in the amount of 2000 kg are sent for processing into melange. But due to mechanical impurities, shells and flagella, the melange has an unattractive appearance and a short shelf life. With a high percentage of contamination, the melange processed in the centrifuge is disposed of. The poultry farm’s loss is 2000 kg of eggs X 1 € (cost price) = 2000 € per day.
Using the UVMILK filter for melange allows you to remove shells, flagella, fluff from substandard products. As a result, the melange retains its original yellow color and becomes uniform. The shelf life of the packaged product also increases. By investing €900 in a set of filtering equipment at one time, the client was able to produce high-quality cleaning of broken eggs and sell pasteurized melange at a wholesale price of €1.70 per kg. The revenue will be 2,000 kg X €1.70 = €3,400 per day, additional profit €3,400 — 2,000 = €1,400. The payback period of the filter: one day.

Client case
At a poultry farm, hot water circulating in a circuit through a boiler is used to wash and scald carcasses when removing feathers and down.
To ensure water purification from rust and hardness salts for the reuse of hot water, so that equipment pipes do not become overgrown with limescale deposits.
Installation of a UVMILK mesh filter with a filtration fineness of 50 microns and a UVMILK water filter with a filtration fineness of 5 microns in front of the boiler.
Filtration ensures long-term reuse of hot water, which has reduced water consumption, energy consumption and the amount of wastewater.

Feedback on the use of UVMILK filters
«Due to egg breakage, we are forced to produce 2.5 tons of melange per day so as not to dispose of the egg. The egg is loaded into a centrifuge, where homogenization occurs. But customers complained that there is mechanical fine dirt from the shells. It precipitates, spoils the color of the melange. Bread factories do not take such melange well. Therefore, the price for the melange was set symbolic, practically at cost.
It was decided to install a UVMIKL 800 micron slot filter to clean the melange from impurities that customers complained about. As a result of filtration, we get the melange without dark inclusions and sediment. The quality of the product has become much higher, we even managed to raise the price and start making money on sales. We plan to install a filter with a lower micron count on the egg powder production line as well.»
Poultry farm, Smolensk region